• Bloomberg article presenting views that property markets in Asia could see robust gains in the future and that numerous institutions rasie large funds to invest in Asia property market
  • Business Week article on new giant China investment company
  • WSJ [ * Bloomberg article presenting views that property markets in Asia could see robust gains in the future and that numerous institutions rasie large funds to invest in Asia property market
  • Business Week article on new giant China investment company
  • WSJ](http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB117330214622129995-NbCoMkbAx_S7EXmX_6R_cnK0r3c_20080312.html) is democracy good for growth
  • PWC on effective risk management in financial institutions
  • GARP post on hedge funds risks related to size and lack of transparency, and in some cases lack of experience to surf through tough winds

Turbulent times breed more and more articles about systemic risks (subrime mortgages, hedge funds, CDOs unwise issuance practices). I wonder to what extent this wave of warnings reflects acceleration of risks, and to what exptent it simply meets the demand for such articles.